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Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hey everyone! Sign up for theEdge BELIEVE Conference 2009!

3-5 Dec 09
VFC Tampines
Relevant, life-transforming workshops and rallies.
Believe me, this conference will revolutionise your life, because it's all about GOD and you.

Sign up Right Now with Andrea with the $30 registration fee for the whole conference, and $20 for one daypass. It is Worth It!

Besides signing up, check up the all-new videos posted on theEdge Conference website, and get hyped to add your own video ;)

I Believe in what GOD can do.

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.

Monday, April 6, 2009
♥ 1:25 AM

10-12 April 2009
Singapore Indoor Stadium
"We have seen individuals and families transformed, healed and restored through the powerful message of Jesus, and believe this is a relevant and critical message for our nation at a time like this. Victory Family Centre is hosting the Good News Singapore rally to share this message of Hope with Singaporeans.
Don’t miss these three dynamic nights of life-transforming messages by world-renowned evangelist Reinhard Bonnke, followed by powerful prayer for healing and miracles."
If you need healing in the body, or healing in the heart, this is the place to be. Because God will be there!
Youths who signed up as ushers and counsellors, make sure you're there punctually :) Let's get excited for what God is gonna do thru us! Wow!

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.

Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009! ♥ 8:42 PM

Hello and welcome to our blog! Happy 2009 :)

It was a crazy time at Watchnight and Movie-Makan night, but thank God we got through! Let's thank God for everything He has done for our region in 2008.

Thank God for our YMs, Eric and Judith.
Thank God for our YC, Elizabeth.
Thank God for our net leaders.
Thank God for every one of us.
Thank God for every pre-believing friend we've brought to our nets, The Edge or Sunday service.
Thank God for every fulfilled promise in us.
Thank God for every new vision and promise He has given us.
Thank God for growing our region.

Praise God for every wonderful blessing He has given to us!

We believe He's going to do a great work, greater than ever before, in our region of youths for this generation. Our God uses the small things to show His glory mightier than ever. He's going to use us to show His glory! Let's say yes to Him this new year to claim our promises in Him for our own lives as well as for our generation and our city. Start going deeper and getting involved in His movement through us for this generation. Even the small things count in His kingdom. If you don't have the fire for His promises, ask for His Spirit's help and start doing something that counts :)

Let's get excited about His eternal promises! He's here with us!

Upcoming event: Corporate Sunday Service at Expo. Don't be late!

God bless, and see you soon :)

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.

Monday, December 29, 2008
Merry Christmas! ♥ 11:49 PM

Merry belated Christmas! Apologies for the late post and lack of Christmas details :)

Region 9/10 had our Christmas outreach at the Singapore Conference Hall. We had a great lunch provided, anda moving performance by our drama team. Great job to all who performed, and special kudos to our youth dance team!

2009 is coming! Don't miss out on our corporate Watchnight. Busing is provided so contact your YC for details!

And don't forget our annual Movie night! This year after our VFC countdown, we'll be heading to Yishun for a Movie-Makan night. Besides hanging out at the Fusion Youth Hub, we'll be busing to famous food places around Singapore. Sign-up is on a first-come-first-served basis so let your YC know A.S.A.P.!

As 2009 arrives, let's keep praying for God to use us to multiply our nets, region, youth ministry and His kingdom! Start praying for God to give you your 'VIP' list and start praying for your contacts! 2009 is going to be an awesome time of harvest. Don't get left out!

That's all for now. All the best and see you next year!

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.

Saturday, December 13, 2008
Youth Camp 2008 ♥ 1:13 AM

We're back from Youth Camp 2008! Watch out for testimonies and more photos coming your way. We're going to Take This City for God!

Preparing for our region portrait...

The Region 9/10 Youth Camp '08 Official Jump Shot.

Region 9/10 youths according to height...

The Region 9/10 Acrobatics Team.

Photos credited to Andrea and Amanda's camera :) More photos please!

God bless!

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
'Tis The Season? ♥ 9:25 PM

Hey everyone! Welcome to VFC Region 9 and 10 Youths' blog! Thanks for dropping by, and do leave a tag :)

We had a great time at 180 on 30 Nov, with brilliant dances and crazy games and great worship, and amazing responses to the message of salvation. Praise the Lord! Thank God we are part of His great work in this generation and city.

Youth Camp is coming up 8-11 Dec! Sign-up is closed, and look out for details coming your way soon. Please pray for all aspects of the camp, and prepare yourself for a great time of spiritual renewal.

Don't stop praying for your ONE! Remember Jesus thinks that every ONE is worth His love and patience, so keep soldiering on. Keep the syncronised 10pm prayer for your One.

Welcome to the month of December, where Christmas decorations and sales are everywhere and everyone is trying to tell you their meaning of Christmas. As our church has the My Hope Singapore Campaign, grab a prayer guide on Sundays at the counter and put in your prayer effort too! As Christians, let's stand fast and hold tight to the true meaning of Christmas which we live by.

Here's a video I found about Christmas. Have a great week and enjoy the video!

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008
Old News, New News ♥ 11:53 PM

Hello all and welcome to the blog for VFC Region 9 and 10's youths! Hope the holidays have been fruitful so far, and here is a list of events to highlight on your schedule:

On the 30th November Sunday, The Edge will be hosting 180! This will be the loudest, craziest place to be, so don't miss it and do bring your friends! There will be activities at the Fusion Youth Hub in Yishun starting 2.30pm, including express manicures, board games and cafe specials! 180 itself will begin at 6pm with the anticipated inter-region dance competition, drama and of course, fantastic worship.

As the year draws to an end, don't forget your One! Keep them in prayer, and use 180 to bring them to The Edge and introduce them to Jesus :) Keep praying, for God is faithful to hear and His plans for us and our friends are the best. Share your prayers with each other!

And hope you've been keeping up with the FUEL Bible reading plan! It's never too late to start, but there are tons of podcasts to catch up on! Grab your daily podcast from The Edge website and use them well to get closer with God's Word.

And we can't forget Youth Camp 2008! Spanning over 8-11 Dec, we'll be heading to Malaysia for a getaway with God. A new spiritual revival awaits, and good things are in store for us! So sign up now with your YC and YM! And do keep the Youth Camp in prayer.

Wanted: Photos of our youths. PLEASE send some in to Please note this is NOT the official email for VFC Region 9 and 10, but the unofficial email for the youths of the region.

Take care and see you soon :)

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.