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Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy 2009! ♥ 8:42 PM

Hello and welcome to our blog! Happy 2009 :)

It was a crazy time at Watchnight and Movie-Makan night, but thank God we got through! Let's thank God for everything He has done for our region in 2008.

Thank God for our YMs, Eric and Judith.
Thank God for our YC, Elizabeth.
Thank God for our net leaders.
Thank God for every one of us.
Thank God for every pre-believing friend we've brought to our nets, The Edge or Sunday service.
Thank God for every fulfilled promise in us.
Thank God for every new vision and promise He has given us.
Thank God for growing our region.

Praise God for every wonderful blessing He has given to us!

We believe He's going to do a great work, greater than ever before, in our region of youths for this generation. Our God uses the small things to show His glory mightier than ever. He's going to use us to show His glory! Let's say yes to Him this new year to claim our promises in Him for our own lives as well as for our generation and our city. Start going deeper and getting involved in His movement through us for this generation. Even the small things count in His kingdom. If you don't have the fire for His promises, ask for His Spirit's help and start doing something that counts :)

Let's get excited about His eternal promises! He's here with us!

Upcoming event: Corporate Sunday Service at Expo. Don't be late!

God bless, and see you soon :)

so NINE&TEN raises a SHOUT together.